Saturday, August 18, 2012

Record Contracts 101

UPDATE - 09/25/24 Been a while since I was here at Monkey House. I decided to place the links from Cosby Fitch's excellent article directly here. I may at some time in the future look for more recent articles on how the music biz screws artists.
Big music is a snake that has drained musicians dry for decades, yet always manages to skate, putting the blame on technology and piracy. Gene Simmons of KISS opined about some mythical before piracy age when everything was wonderful. For the vast majority of musicians, it wasn't. The following links chronicle that.

The Problem With Music - Steve Albini
The Truth about the Music Industry by Dave Paul
Courtney Love does the math - Courtney Love
By the power of Satan… by Lee Diamond

Was just re-reading Crosbie Fitch's article FACing the Music. He makes some good points and provides some great links to articles about the music biz. Unfortunately as the article is a few years old some of the links are dead. I was able to dredge up some of the articles and added a couple more.

DEPRECIATED - link provided here has ironically...died.
In order to avoid future dead-linkitus I posted the entire text as well as (where applicable) working links if they still reside on the www. All authors named and accredited.