Monday, October 31, 2011

Old Site back

Update - nope, is now dead as a door nail. Can't even find it on the wayback machine :(

Just a short post to say thanks to the patience of the support people Monkey House's at is back up. FYI I intend to dual post there and here, as I don't want to be in the position I was again if byethost's software decides it thinks I'm running a hacking script and again shuts down the service. Eventually I would like to get the forum up and running again assuming there are no more problems, people will have to go to the web site for that.

UPDATE: Thanks to rss and iframe I will NOT be forced to duel post in order to keep the blog going at both sites.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Monkey House url - 3rd time's the charm?

Welcome to the new home of Monkey House. I didn't really want to host it here, I much prefer the flexibility of a web site. At its original URL Monkey House was not just a blog, but had a forum and live chat room as well.

The first place it was, the person who was letting me host it there didn't pay his web host bill without telling me, so the site went down and I lost all my posts there. I managed to recover 4 of them, thanks to google and put the site up again on Not long after they canceled my account due to: "Our systems detected phishing on your account". They then asked what the nature of my site was and I told them it was a p2p blog site, that no files were hosted there and I was not running a phishing scam. Their response to that was to cancel my account with no explanation. I asked them for more details and am waiting for a response but with not much hope.

So while I lost flexibility, Google IS the biggest kid on the block so hopefully I can post my blogs here without any fear of finding a parked page at the url a few months down the road. I would thank Google for providing this service but I'm going to save that for when the page has been up long enough that I feel it's not going to get yanked.
Update 2023 - I guess I can thank Google now, this site has been up for quite some time.

Update - is sadly long gone.
I would like to thank Jon Newton, the founder of for inspiring me. His perseverance in the face of far worse obstacles showed me it can be done, no matter what. 

Jammie Thomas - ridiculous award from tard jury

Posted at my other blog.

ACTA - Just say NO!!

Posted at my other blog.

Die Bitches

According to Mike Collett-White, Eminem's new album could "save" the music industry. This is nothing more than one more in a tired, long string of articles from the media lamenting the decline of the music industry while desperately looking for ways to save it. It has all the cliches, how "piracy" is responsible for the declining music sales
Official figures for the key U.S. market as it approaches mid-year
show how tough conditions are for music companies and acts who blame
illegal file sharing for their woes.
So dvd sales, video game sales, a sour economy and people just not
liking "product" released by the labels of course have NOTHING to do with declining sales. I'm sure people getting pissed off about their friends and relatives sued by the RIAA had nothing to do with that either; it's all the "pirates" fault.
Although relatively small in terms of a label's revenues, digital
streaming, downloading, online subscriptions and advertising are seen
as key to the industry's future.

"The revenue is still small, but at least it's revenue," said one
major label executive. "Don't forget, some 95 percent of the digital
market is illegal. If we can grow that five percent significantly,
we've got a future."
Just HOW do they know 95% of the digital market is illegal? Did they
take a poll? I can see it now: "Sir this is the RIAA, we are
conducting a poll to see how much of peoples digital content is
illegal, so tell us how much music did you steal?" Or, could it be,
just like LOT of music industry numbers, they pulled it out of their
ass. We will never know, because no one in the mainstream media ever
challenges music industry figures.

Amazingly enough, one thing the article didn't do which so many others
have is to call for draconian copyright measures. Thank you for small
favors, it saved me from throwing up.

I'll repeat this as often is necessary, it is a GOOD thing if the music industry dies, it seems like all they ever do is push for legislation to strangle innovation(look up "diamond rio", "vcr is the Boston strangler" etc if you don't believe me) and for more restrictive copyright laws.(Google ACTA, DMCA)

Originally posted on 21 Jun 2010 by Monkey

U.K. corrupt, Weasel pols pass digital economy bill

I've always thought the U.S. government was corrupt, and largely run by corporations, and it is. But The States has NOTHING on the U.K. Here in the U.S., corporations bought and paid for the DMCA, an odious addition to copyright law. Not to be outdone, the UK House of commons has past the Digital Economy Bill, a Bastard child of Lord Peter Mandelson, whom no one elected and many would like to see the last of.
Some of the more rancid provisions of this bill are:
  • Outlaws openwifi

  • Three strikes provision
    This section states that if it is suspected that you, or anyone else using your internet connection, has downloaded or made available copyrighted material, the copyright owner can require your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to contact you and report back to the rights-owner.
    It also empowers the Secretary of State to force ISPs to limit – either by slowing down a user’s connection or restricting what they can access – or completely disconnect a user’s internet access.

  • Clause 8
    government blocking of web sites
    Earlier the government removed its proposed clause 18, which could have given it sweeping powers to block sites, but replaced it with an amendment to clause 8 of the bill. The new clause allows the secretary of state for business to order the blocking of "a location on the internet which the court is satisfied has been, is being or is likely to be used for or in connection with an activity that infringes copyright".
The Brits seem to LoOOOoOOooOve big government. Nary a protest is to be heard about the 1984-esq proliferation of cameras everywhere the eye can see. In England, big brother IS watching you. Now if the copyright Nazis don't like what you are doing, whack, no more internet. If they don't like your web site, Abra Cadabra, it's blocked!! Have ya had enough Brits? Because if you keep on bending over and taking it in the ass from government with a smile, government will be happy to keep giving you more of the same.

Originally posted on 07 Apr 2010 by Monkey